Academic Requirements

Millersville University’s baccalaureate-degree programs have four common curricular elements:

  1. Proficiency requirements in English composition and mathematics.
  2. The general education program, which constitutes about half of the curriculum (48 of the 120 minimum credits required for graduation).
  3. The major program, which usually constitutes most of the other half of the curriculum.
  4. Electives courses, if needed, to meet the minimum of 120 credits required for graduation. (A few programs require more than 120 credits for graduation.) Students may combine elective and general education courses to complete a minor.

Within each of these components, students have many choices in developing programs of study. They have a challenging and responsible role in planning the substance of their program.

Students are reminded that a full-time semester course load consists of 12 credit hours. However, it is necessary to average at least 15 credit hours each semester in order to graduate in four years (eight semesters).

Final responsibility for each student’s program rests with the student. The role of the advisor is just that—to advise. Students are expected to familiarize themselves thoroughly with program requirements for their major described in this catalog, the Curriculum Record Form and the computerized degree audit. This computerized audit report is available to help students monitor progress toward completion of their major, minor and general education requirements.

Proficiency Requirements


  1. All undergraduate students who want to pursue CHEM 111 Introductory Chemistry 1 or above must demonstrate minimum levels of proficiency in chemistry.
    1. All entering biology, chemistry, earth sciences and physics undergraduate students are required to take part in the chemistry placement process. Students pursuing majors in other disciplines may also need to participate; please consult your academic advisor.
    2. The chemistry department determines the test(s) and the criteria for course placement.


    1. All undergraduate students must demonstrate minimum levels of proficiency in mathematics.
      1. All entering undergraduate students are required to take part in the mathematics placement process.
      2. The mathematics department determines the test(s) and the criteria for course placement.

      The Major Program

      After general education, the second component of a high-quality university education is an in-depth understanding of an academic discipline. Millersville currently offers 54 major fields of study within its bachelor’s-degree programs. Many majors offer options for fulfilling requirements that provide even greater choice in selecting a field of study. Students enrolled in programs that require more than 120 credits may require additional time to complete their studies.

      A list of Millersville’s major programs and options and the specific course requirements for each is given in the Academic Programs section. Curriculum Record Forms have also been developed for each major and option to summarize the requirements and provide an informal record of student progress. They are available from department offices, through the Office of Academic Advisement or through Millersville’s website. In addition, degree audit reports summarizing the status of a student’s degree requirements are available on the University website through our Millersville Access System (MAX).

      Declaring or Changing a Major

      To declare or change a major or an option within a major, contact the registrar’s office, Lyle Hall, for an appropriate form, or online at the Millersville University website, by clicking in the Student Forms Center link. Some departments have specific requirements for admission to their major programs. Students must meet the major program requirements in effect at the time they declare or change their major. Students in undecided major status, with at least 45 credits passed, should refer to the Undecided Major Status section for specific academic requirements.

      Department Evaluation of Majors

      Students are subject to the approval of their major department for continuation in their major program. Departments may establish additional requirements for continuation in the major, review student credentials at the end of any semester and deny continuation in the major to any student they feel is not making satisfactory progress. Students who have been denied continuation in the major may appeal to the school dean and then to the Academic Standards Committee for reconsideration.

      Second Majors

      In some programs, through careful selection of elective courses, it is possible to complete the requirements for a second major. Upon certification by each major department that requirements have been satisfied, both majors are recorded on the student’s records.


      Students who wish to become proficient in a second discipline may complete the requirements for a minor. Each minor requires a minimum of 18 credits. A GPA of at least 2.0 must be earned in Millersville courses required for the minor. Half of the minor must be completed at Millersville, only one course may count toward both a major and a minor, and no student may minor in his or her major. A list of minor programs and specific course requirements for each are given in the Academic Programs section.

      To declare or change a minor, obtain an appropriate form from the registrar’s office or through the University website, by clicking on the Student Forms Center link.

      The Associate Degree Curriculum

      Millersville’s associate-degree programs are career-oriented for students with specific occupational objectives. They consist of 60 to 65 credits of study. The programs normally have three components: communication skills; general knowledge of the natural sciences, social sciences and humanities; and an area of concentration. Approximately half the coursework is in communication skills and general education; the other half is in the area of concentration. For more information, see the Academic Programs section.

      Other Curricular Policies

      Additional Degree Requirements

      To earn an undergraduate degree at Millersville University, a student must meet the following requirements:

      1. All curricular and proficiency requirements as described above must be met.
      2. A minimum of 120 credits must be completed for a bachelor’s degree.
      3. A GPA of at least 2.0 must be earned in Millersville courses.
      4. A GPA of 3.0 must be earned in Millersville courses to meet entrance and exit requirements for a Bachelor of Science in Education (B.S.Ed.) degree.
      5. A GPA of at least 2.0 must be earned in Millersville courses required for the major (area of concentration for associate degrees).
      6. A GPA of at least 2.0 must be earned in Millersville courses required for the minor.
      7. At least 30 credits (in addition to student teaching) of the last 60 credits must be completed at Millersville. Participation in approved Millersville University exchanges or attendance at programs consistent with Millersville University academic agreements will satisfy this requirement.
      8. At least half of the major requirements must be completed at Millersville.
      9. At least half of the minor requirements must be completed at Millersville.
      10. Students who graduate with a B.S.Ed. degree or complete an approved program of post-baccalaureate studies for teaching certification must be admitted to Advanced Professional Studies. They must also meet the Pennsylvania state requirements and other Pennsylvania certification requirements, such as passing the required Praxis exams, to qualify for Pennsylvania teacher certification.
      11. An Application for Degree form should be submitted before the end of the third week of the term in which the student expects to graduate. The University confers degrees six times annually: at the conclusion of the fall semester, winter session, spring semester, first summer session, second summer session and third summer session. Application forms are available from the registrar’s office, Lyle Hall, or

      Admission to Advanced Professional Studies and Certification (Education Majors)

      All students enrolled in teacher preparation programs must be admitted to Advanced Professional Studies and meet Pennsylvania state requirements and University requirements prior to being enrolled in their initial Advanced Professional Studies course. Students must meet additional Pennsylvania state requirements in order to be certified. A listing of Advanced Professional Studies courses and requirements is available in the Office of Field Services and on the Certification Office website.

      Earning More Than One Degree

      Students who wish to complete the course requirements for two different degrees (e.g., B.A. and B.S.Ed.) simultaneously must complete at least 30 credits beyond the minimum of 120 credits needed for the first bachelor’s degree earned. Students who complete fewer than 30 credits beyond the first degree but complete requirements in more than one major will choose the degree to be awarded. All majors completed will be recognized in academic records, including transcripts.

      A student may earn a second associate or bachelor’s degree at a later time by meeting the following requirements:

      1. A minimum of 30 additional credits must be completed at Millersville at the undergraduate level following the award of the first degree. These credits must be in the major and required related fields.
      2. All requirements for the major of the second degree must be satisfied.
      3. Coursework completed as part of the first degree program may be used to satisfy the related coursework requirement in the second degree.
      4. Coursework completed as part of the first degree program may be used to satisfy up to half of the second degree’s major. If a course required in the second degree’s major was completed as part of the first degree, it may not be repeated.
      5. Teacher certification credits may not be counted toward a second degree.
      6. When there is overlap in the majors of the first and second degrees, the 50-percent limitation in requirement 4 above and the limited course offerings in some departments may preclude the pursuit of a second degree.